PsyArXiv has a new streamlined preprint submission workflow

We’re excited to announce a new workflow for submitting preprints to PsyArXiv. This revision brings a unified submission workflow across the OSF preprint services and hopefully makes it easier for users to submit and edit their preprints.
To get started head over to PsyArXiv and hit “Submit a preprint”.

This takes you to the new submission interface, introduced in more detail in this OSF support article (which also shows how to begin the workflow from the main OSF Preprints page). First, enter your manuscript’s Title and Abstract:

After this, clicking on “Next” (button above) will take you through the rest of the workflow, whose steps are indicated on the left, above.

Please see the OSF support article for a complete walkthrough of the submission workflow. As always, you’ll find a “Contact Us” button over there for any further questions and feedback you might have.

Financial support for PsyArXiv

Center for Open Science have secured a major funding commitment, until the end of 2025, which will support your favourite OSF preprint servers – including PsyArXiv. It’s a big win for keeping the lights on at PsyArXiv, and continuing the mission to bring about a new age for the dissemination and discovery of scholarship in psychological science.

The funding comes from the Ivy Plus Libraries Confederation (IPLC), and since here at PsyArXiv we believe in full and proper credit, let’s list of the “13 sovereign academic libraries” which make up the IPLC partners: Brown University, the University of Chicago, Columbia University, Cornell University, Dartmouth College, Duke University, Harvard University, Johns Hopkins University, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, the University of Pennsylvania, Princeton University, Stanford University, and Yale University.


Here’s a quote from the IPLC Directors which we fully endorse:

As representatives of some of the most well-resourced libraries in the country, we are committed to using our resources to promote public access to all research, not just the research our scholars produce&.Investing in infrastructure and services that are directly aligned with the research mission are critical to laying the foundation for a more open and equitable system of research that will result in better, faster answers to the problems of our time.

Read more in the original news item: 2024-03-18: “Support for OSF Preprint Infrastructure and Community Servers